
False Alarm

Remember my really really exciting big news?  If you don't, go HERE and catch up.  I'll wait.
Well, I recently got accepted to the dental hygiene program... (yay!)... for the fall.  The fall of 2016 (not yay).  So just forget everything I said in my "big news" post.  We are going to have to re-plan, because I am definitely NOT waiting until I'm done with school to have a baby now.
I'm still super duper excited to be accepted, and surprisingly, I'm really not devastated about this.  I'm just kinda like "whatevs."  I know everything will be fine, and I'll get my degree... even if I'm 60 by the time it happens.  So don't feel sorry for me.  I didn't write this post for that reason.  I just thought ya should know I got accepted.  And I am happy about that.



Petersens said...

lol! That does seem like a long time to wait, even for school! Glad you got excepted :) Babies are so wonderful.

Jamie Burt said...

BABY TIME!! yay:)

Jordan said...

YAYYAYAYAYAYAY! Ok, now stop blogging and get busy! ;)

Jessica said...

YAY!!! I can't tell you how baby hungry I am! There are all these newborns around and none for me to hold and snuggle! WTFC?! Now maybe K-bomb will got on the ball too. Also I love your peace. love. dental hygiene sign, it was totally cracking me up!

Kourtney Dawn said...

I think Heavenly Father wants you gus to have babies! Plus, why do people keep posting in public places that I need to have a bay?!

Kourtney Dawn said...

Oops, baby :)